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5 Minutes Regime to Stay Healthy

5 Minutes Regime to Stay Healthy

Do you feel jam-packed with your daily routine and feel difficult to get time to stay healthy? Or sometimes your are too lazy to do exercise. Take the challenge of following five minutes regime to stay fit and healthy. These exercise are interesting and don’t requires expensive equipment, also burns maximum calorie. Whether you are on a business trip or on vacation you can do it anywhere. Don’t wait and start from today onwards and see the difference. A small change in your lifestyle can create big impact to your future health !!!!
1.     Jumping jack:
    Jumping jacks are an exercise to use primarily for warming up before a fitness activity. They can also be an efficient way to do some cardiovascular training if you perform them for at least 15 minutes without stopping. Jumping jacks are easy to do, but it requires some coordination to perform them correctly. It functions as cardiovascular, strengthening and stress-relieving exercises. burn fat at a rapid rate, promoting weight loss. 
Following is the calories burn chart:
Sr. no.
Weight (kgs)
Calories burn/hour

2.     Lunge:
Lunge is an exercise which is just mimicking your walking pattern. A lunge is a single-leg bodyweight exercise that works your hips, gluts, quads, hamstrings, core, and the hard-to-reach muscles of the inner thigh. Lunges can help you develop lower-body strength and endurance.
3.     Mountain climber:
Mountain Climbers are also a very accessible exercise; you can perform them anywhere because they require only your bodyweight.  It gets your heart rate up fast while also firing nearly every muscle group in the body—deltoids, biceps, triceps, chest, oblique, abdominals, quads, hamstrings and hip abductors. It’s truly a full body workout!  It is beneficiary for muscular and cardiovascular fitness by increasing strength, flexibility and blood circulation.
4.     Push-ups:
    Push-ups is the one of the easy exercises which doesn’t need any special equipment as well as place. Instead of heavy push-ups at a single time, should do it in different sets with some rest in between that. Regular push-ups help in increase functional strength via full body activation, improve flexibility, enhance the cardiovascular system, increase the productivity of human growth hormone, prevent shoulders, Lower back from injuries, reduce osteoporosis development, and at last keeps yourself feet. 
5.     Plank:
In this, the body stays in one position for the entirety of the move—requires no equipment and can be performed just about anywhere. It helps in to improve core strength, tone up tummy, strengthen back, increased metabolism and fat burn, increase flexibility and lower risk of injury. As per the journal of strength and conditioning, plank provides 100% activation of six-pack muscles whereas crunches only provide 64%. 
Classic Prank (Elbow prank)
Standard prank (Top of Push-up)
Side prank
Just 1 minute of each exercise complemented with  healthy food can make your life fit and healthy. Stay tuned for more tips on healthy lifestyle!!!!


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