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Create Healthy Eating Habits – Not Restrictions

Create Healthy Eating Habits – Not Restrictions

Old habits die hard but there is always a room for developing new habits for a healthy lifestyle. Once the notion kicks in developing healthy eating habits becomes easier every day.

Here we go! Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle!!
  • Water intake of around 2 to 3 bottles/ 8-10 glasses i.e 2- 2.5 lit distributed throughout the day, helps you stay hydrated, flushes out body toxins, and also keeps your digestive system a rinse!
  • Pre- planning your menus weekly, prepares a mind-set of you would be eating for your next meal. If meals don’t sound appetizing or dis interesting enhance your interest by changing your Plating style, experimenting with new spices/ herb or even condiments, cutting your ingredients in a different way, improve the texture of your food etc.

  • Avoid doing things like talking, networking, watching Television etc. and give your undivided attention to your food. This will help you enjoy your meal, and increase better absorption of nutrients. Anything enjoyed helps you get the best of them.
  •  Try eating fresh, home cooked meals. Eat as cooked.                         
  • Take only how much you want and finish your food. If you require or feel you want more, then take more. At the end, check much you have eaten. If you feel you have eaten more than you require, you’ll feel too full in your stomach, stuffed, sluggish, lazy. This will help you understand how much you actually can/ require to eat in a meal.                        
  • Your emotions influence your gut the most, especially when you just had or are going to have your meal. Create your mind and space where you can enjoy your meal and avoid any heated discussions/work at least 10 -15 minutes before / after a meal. You can also do a small meditation or prayer etc. 
  • Sleeping helps you balance out your hormones, this is also the time when your gut is put to rest for a long period of time. To feel rejuvenated a person is recommended to have at-least 8 hours of sleep at one stretch. A healthy person usually requires around 7- 8 hours of sleep. Sleep can vary according to the individual, physical activity, metabolic age etc.
  • Try avoiding consuming of refined sugars or not more than 2 teaspoon a day. Jaggery, honey, partially refined sugars. Naturally occurring sugar in fruits/ vegetables are the best form of sugars.  

“Remind yourself health is your new wealth and stay deterrent and patient with your changing lifestyle”


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