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Showing posts from October, 2017

Healthy weight loss without dieting

Healthy weight loss without dieting Have you been trying to lose weight but been unsuccessful? If so, I believe I have the answer for you. I think you have been eating the wrong food. Here I have some miracle remedies for you. 1)     Drinking warm water Weight loss would be a breeze if a glass of hot water every morning did the trick. Regularly drinking warm water especially in the morning can heal our body, providing digestive power and reducing metabolic waste that could have built up in our immune system. Physicians recommend drinking warm water in the morning usually with the lemon, honey or combination of both. The consumption of warm water increases the tightening of the intestines, which optimizes elimination. Warm water increases the body temperature which therefore increases the metabolic rate. An increasing metabolic rate allows the body to burn more calories throughout the rate. In addition cleansing your body, this water diet may red...

Create Healthy Eating Habits – Not Restrictions

Create Healthy Eating Habits – Not Restrictions Old habits die hard but there is always a room for developing new habits for a healthy lifestyle. Once the notion kicks in developing healthy eating habits becomes easier every day. Here we go! Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle!! Water intake of around 2 to 3 bottles/ 8-10 glasses i.e 2- 2.5 lit distributed throughout the day, helps you stay hydrated, flushes out body toxins, and also keeps your digestive system a rinse! Pre- planning your menus weekly, prepares a mind-set of you would be eating for your next meal. If meals don’t sound appetizing or dis interesting enhance your interest by changing your Plating style, experimenting with new spices/ herb or even condiments, cutting your ingredients in a different way, improve the texture of your food etc. Avoid doing things like talking, networking, watching Television etc. and give your undivided attention to your food. This will help you enjoy...

Healthy Munching - Alternative to Junk Food

Craving for Junk Food ??? Are you depriving yourself of having yummy yet healthy food?  Craving for junk food is although completely normal but how to substitute with a healthy alternative is a task. There are various reasons you feel like having sugary, or buttery food.  But the inner soul says no! no! At times you don't have anything for a long hour and feel like having everything that comes your way or when you are actually dehydrated and exhausted.  Here are few healthy alternatives for junk food. Late nights in the office: Always keep a box of dry fruits and dates.  It will keep you full until you reach home and avoid you from consuming junks.                           Switch from  white bread to multigrain/ whole wheat bread (gluten-free) .      Especially when you get a craving for your burger and subs. Add in a few extra antioxidants by r eplacing you...

An introduction into health and life

Why health? Because we love food. And living life to the fullest. A way to be able to do that- Health Let's start off with how you can be healthy and happy without too much stress on your body and tastebuds! We'll keep you posted with easy to implement tips and ideas to change your lifestyle habits, including some super yummy calorie free foodstuffs. So you can eat great, look great, live great! Healthy living   "Healthy living" to people means both physical and mental health is in balance or functioning well together in a person. In many instances, physical and mental health are closely linked, so that a change (good or bad) in one directly affects the other. Consequently, some of the tips will include suggestions for emotional and mental "healthy living." Its all about eating right, simple lifestyle changes like walking, running, aerobic exercises and inculcating yoga in your daily life.